Saturday, January 4, 2014

Getting back to it!

Where have I been?  Oh, I've been here, just unmotivated to write.  By the time I get a moment to myself, the last thing I want to do is write.  I'd much rather veg out in front of the TV.  However, it's been 7 months since Gus was born, and this blog was supposed to be a way of keeping track of milestones and keeping friends and family in the loop.  Fail.

I've also been putting off blogging because I felt that the next post should be my birth story.  I always planned on sharing it - until it happened.  I had a very difficult labor and delivery.  Gus ended up in the NICU for 48ish hours.  It feels like cheating to not tell the story, but I'm still having a difficult time processing everything that happened.  Yes, 7 months later.  So, I'll give you the abbreviated version without all the gory details so that I feel like I can move on and continue telling the story of his childhood.

Gus was born on May 24, 2013 at 9:14 pm after 21 hours of labor.  I had a med-free birth.  It hurt.  Gus inhaled meconium and was whisked away from me with nothing more than a kiss.  He was in the NICU for just over 2 days.  We went home on the 27th.  The end.

I hope that eventually I can share some of the details of his birth and my feelings about them.  Time heals all wounds, and talking about it helps, right?  We'll see.

But for now, I have a wonderful, funny, silly, perfect 7 month old little boy who I love very much.  My goal is to update this at least twice a month - playing catch-up and keeping things up to date.  Let's see how it goes!

39 weeks - 1 day old - 7 months old

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Bumpdate: 36 Weeks!

Trying to get up to date on this whole blogging thing!

Let's see... I hit 36 weeks on May 2 and went in for our first weekly appointment.  I get to go see our midwife, Jane, every week now until Sproutster is here!  We made a few changes to our birth plan which I will give her a hard copy of this week or next once Louie and I finalize everything.  Sprout's little heart was beating in the 150s, and Sprout is still head down, though posterior.  Things are looking good!

However, things are not feeling as good.  As soon as I hit 36 weeks, all the discomfort you always hear all the pregnant ladies talking about finally hit!  I'm swelling just a tad (no more wedding ring), baby is sitting pretty low causing some pretty surprising pains, I have to go to the bathroom all. the. time.,  sleeping is a pain in the butt, my back hurts, and I've been experiencing some really obnoxious Braxton Hicks contractions along with some very uncomfortable kicks and movements from Sprout.  It's not THAT bad, but after a long day of work, it does make me pretty cranky.

I'm in nesting mode - doing lots of laundry and organizing of baby things.  We need to get just a few more things which will happen this week/weekend.  I've only got 2 more weeks of work left until I go on maternity leave - YAY!  I'm excited to have some down time (hopefully) before Sprout gets here and just focus on sleeping and growing this baby.

Just a few more weeks!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Bumpdate: 35 Weeks and a Baby Shower :)

I hit 35 weeks on April 25 and had my baby shower on April 27.  It was such an amazing day!  A HUGE thank you to my mom, dad, Bries, Patty, Julie, Alexis, Joe, Adrian, Sandy (she took most of these photos :) ), and everyone else who helped pull this thing together!  We feel so lucky to have such wonderful family and friends who were so generous and are already showing their amazing love of little Sprout :)


Baby Fruit Salad made by Aunt Denise

Me and my bestest friend!



Me and Dad

Hopester and Lucas 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Bumpdate: 33/34 Weeks!

Week 33 was pretty run of the mill.  My biggest issue was pregnancy brain.  Seriously, it's a real thing.  I could not remember anything.  I kept making really stupid mistakes.  It was pretty awful.  Just when I thought I had gotten something right, someone would come up to me and tell me something else I did wrong.  It was pretty frustrating and discouraging.

But, the chiropractor has still been helping, and I got to go see some friends I haven't seen in awhile.  That was nice.  Louie's dad and step-mom treated us to dinner, which of course, was delicious.  It has been nice to be in touch with people who I haven't seen much lately.

We had an appointment with our midwife and got to hear Sprout's little heartbeat going in the 140s and 150s.  I love that sound :)  Sprout is currently hanging out posterior (warning, there is a birth video at that link) which isn't a complication, but it could lead to a longer and more challenging labor if Sprout doesn't flip over before delivery.

34 Weeks
33 Weeks

And now, I'm 34 weeks...

I had dinner with some friends on Friday night, and one of them made me this:
Foxy hat and diaper cover

I cannot wait to put Sprout in this for newborn photos!  How stinkin' adorable is that?!  Thanks Amy!!!

This weekend, Louie and I made some leaps and bounds in prepping for Sprout.  I made some last minute adjustments to our registry since our shower is next weekend.  Then, we went out and bought Sprout a book self and got it set up along with the curtain in the "nursing nook" in our room.  We just need to add the glider, and the nursing nook will be complete!

I've started buying little things to pack in our hospital bag: travel size toiletries, travel size wipes.... as well as other stuff we'll need when Sprout gets here like baby wash and lotion.  Getting all these little things together makes it feel so real.  I'm so excited and nervous!

This week is going to be a busy one.  I'm going to my cousin's senior clarinet recital on Tuesday night.  I'm taking Thursday off to get my house in shape for the shower guests we're having this weekend, and then, of course, having guests Friday/Saturday, getting my hair done, and having our baby shower.

I'm starting to take one day off of work a week as needed because 1.) I'm stinkin' exhausted and 2.) My weekends are so busy right now that I need the time during the week to get ready for Sprout!  Next weekend is a real doozy..... But I'll deal with that when it comes around.  Right now, I'm going to be thrilled with the progress we've made and get all geeked about my shower next weekend.  YAY!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Bumpdate: 32 Weeks!

Hitting 32 weeks felt like a HUGE milestone!  I'm a mere day away from 33 weeks which sounds even crazier since full term is considered 37 weeks (even though most women, especially w/ first babies go past 40 weeks).  I have a feeling Sprout will be a tad early, but I'm probably jinxing myself and won't end up delivering until 42 weeks - blerg.

As I mentioned in my last post, I have been suffering from bad sciatic nerve pain and rib pain.  My Bradley instructor/doula (Yay! I can officially call her my doula now :) ), recommended a chiropractor, and oh. my. gosh. she pretty much saved my life!  After two visits, I was walking around feeling like I wasn't even pregnant.  It was amazing!  I still have problems with my shoulder, but it's tolerable now, and we're working on it.  Also, my chiropractor has an adorable little dog who likes to lay by my belly when I get adjusted :)

Our Bradley classes are going well.  Every time we leave, Louie and I are actually excited about labor and delivery!  It has really helped us bond as well as prepared us for what is coming.  Louie is going to be a great labor coach and daddy!

As previously mentioned, we have hired our Bradley instructor to be our doula.  Louie and I are thrilled to have such a knowledgeable person who we've already worked with closely be able to attend our birth and offer support to both of us.

My mom came to hang out on Friday and check out the baby shower venue again.  Even though I'm not really involved in the planning, it was fun to get to help just a little bit with layout of tables and stuff.  AND, my mom bought me cannoli which were amazing!!!

I'm noticing a lot of !!! in this post.  Sorry, I'm just excited I guess!!!

Last night, we went to the Meet the Midwives program at the hospital.  Only about half of the midwives were there - I guess they were busy! - but it was still nice to meet them all since one of them, not necessarily the midwife I've been seeing in clinic, will be delivering Sprout.  It was also very reassuring to go through their basic protocols and hear that they are pretty hands-off.  They seem like a wonderful group of women fully focused on empowering the mother and helping those around her really experience the birth.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Bumpdate: 30/31 weeks

Week 30 dragged, and nothing really exciting happened.  I got a couple cute outfits for Sprout, enjoyed lunch out with friends.

30 Weeks

I hit week 31, and things started to pick up a bit.  I had a massage to help me get through Easter weekend since I had been having some pretty bad sciatic nerve pain and rib pain.  It was amazing, and got me through.  

I went to my parent's house for Easter weekend.  My brother, Michael, and nephew, Caedmon, had come up from NC for a visit.  It was great to see them! 

Easter was lovely.  The food was great, and it was nice to see family.  We had some fun attaching peeps to bottle rockets and shooting them off in the back yard.  I think this may be a new Easter tradition...

Sorry this post is so short.  I've been severely lacking motivation in most aspects of my life the last few weeks.  I'm hoping it comes back so I have a more detailed record of things.  

31 Weeks

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bumpdate: 29 weeks

Already?!  I'm just going to warn you that it's kind of been a week.

We had our 29 week appointment on Thursday morning.  I finally completed my glucose tolerance test - the one where you have to drink the super sweet drink then get your blood drawn an hour later to see what your blood sugar does and from that determine whether or not you have gestational diabetes.  I have heard A LOT of pregnant women complain and worry about this test, so yeah, I was a little nervous about it.  Dude.  The drink was no big deal.  It was actually kind of tasty!  I just wish it had more bubbles.  So, I drank the drink on my way to my appointment, checked in with the lab, had my appointment (I'll to that in a minute), and got my blood drawn afterwards.  No.  Big.  Deal.  I did eat a high protein lunch afterwards as recommended by our midwife, Jane, to combat nausea and fatigue.  I did get a bit tired in the afternoon, but overall, it went great.  Oh, and I passed!  No gestational diabetes here!  YAY!

OK, so our appointment.  Poor Louie was so tired that he ran late, and I was already back in the room when he showed up.  He joined me just as Jane came in, and all was well.  We started discussing a birth plan and routine procedures baby goes through after delivery.  Louie and I have decided to talk things through a bit on our own (and hopefully with our doula... you know... when we get around to hiring one) and bringing it back up with Jane at our next appointment.  Jane was great letting us know that everything is optional and not pressuring us.

Sprout was not very cooperative when Jane pulled out the doppler.  It is so funny to listen to Sproutster "hiding" from that thing.  We finally got a good solid heartbeat in the 150s.

I have been super emotional this week with multiple meltdowns.  Hopefully, I can get it all out of my system and feel more normal next week.  I'm getting so frustrated because I am always late, I forget everything, and I can't seem to carry on a normal conversation.  The baby is eating my brain!  I've been really uncomfortable, too - sciatic nerve pain, rib pain, hip pain.  After shopping on Sunday for a few hours I pretty much couldn't walk for the rest of the day.  I have NOT been feeling attractive at all, and I have no idea where the rest of this baby is going to go.  My belly feels huge, but I know it's going to get bigger!  Then, of course, I get upset at myself for complaining because I've had an easy pregnancy with  minimal symptoms and zero complications.  *sigh*

Louie has been great helping me with my exercises and giving me massages when I need them.  I'm truly grateful to have his help and support.  Pregnancy is a lot harder than I thought it would be.

30 weeks tomorrow!